Nelson County District Court
Court Type: | District Court |
State: | ND |
County: | Nelson |
Street Address: | 210 B Ave. W. |
City: | Lakota |
Zip Code: | 58344 |
Phone: | 701-247-2462 |
Fax: | 701-241-2412 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday: 8:00AM - 4:30PM |
Website URL: | |
Judge: | Hon. Donald Hager |
Judge Phone: | 701-787-2730 |
Clerk: | Erin Fossen |
Clerk Phone: | 701-247-2462 |
Clerk Email: | |
Directions: | Everyone should use the main (south) door. |
Restrictions: | Cell phones are usually not allowed once a jury is selected. |
Forms & Filing: | |
Divisions / Services: | |
Dockets / Schedule / Calendar: | |
Jury Service: | |
Languages: | Multiple |
Facebook: | |
Linkedin: | |
ADA: | Renee Barnaby, Human Resources Executive Administrative Assistant |
ADA Phone: | 701-328-4216 |
ADA Fax / Email: | |
Special Access: | The side (east) door is locked, with access allowed for people with disabilities. Entry can be requested by those with disabilities – a buzzer is by the door for this request. |
About / Additional Info: | Northeast Central Judicial District was created in 1979 to include Grand Forks, Griggs and Nelson counties. In 2000, Griggs County was transferred to the Southeast Judicial District. The Northeast Central Judicial District is part of Unit 1 that also includes the Northeast Judicial District. |